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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/15/22 Responsibilities of Older Christians Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 05152022_Responsibilities_of_Older_Christians.mp3
05/15/22 Marriage and Children Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 05152022_Marriage__Children.mp3
05/08/22 Baptism and the Thief on the cross Andy Croley Sermon N/A Sunday 05082022_Baptism_and_the_thief_on_the_cross.mp3
05/05/22 The wise and foolish man Andy Croley Sermon N/A Sunday 05082022_Wise_man_built_his_house_on_the_rock.mp3
05/01/22 The purpose and need for baptism Daniel Ince Sermon N/A Sunday 05012022_The_purpose_and_need_for_baptism.mp3
04/17/22 Passover Joel Valley Sermon N/A Sunday 04172022_Passover.mp3
04/10/22 Redeeming Love of God Joel Valley Sermon N/A Sunday 04102022_Redeeming_Love_of_God.mp3
04/03/22 Birth of Christ Andy Croley Sermon N/A Sunday 04032022_Birth_of_Christ.mp3
03/13/22 Fear Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20220313_Lesson_on_FEAR.mp3
03/13/22 Common objections to baptism being essential Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20220313_Baptism_Lesson_02.mp3
03/06/22 Spiritual maturity Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20220306_Spiritual_Growth.mp3
03/06/22 Baptism: Is it essential to salvation? Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20220306_Baptism.mp3
02/27/22 Review of the activities & practices found in the worship of the NT church Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon New Testament Church Worship Sunday 20220227_Lesson_06_Review.mp3
02/27/22 Lessons from The Prodigal Son Anthony Prosceno Sr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20220227_Anthony_The_Prodigal_Son.mp3
02/20/22 Promises to Israel through the Prophets to the Gentiles Joel Valley Sermon N/A Sunday 20220220_Joel_Promises_to_Israel_through_the_Prophets_to_the_Gentiles.mp3
02/06/22 Suggestions to grow as a Christian Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20220206_Ways_to_become_Stronger_Christians.mp3
02/06/22 Congregational praying and singing Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon New Testament Church Worship Sunday 20220206_Prayer_and_Song.mp3
01/30/22 The Preaching of Sound Teaching Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon New Testament Church Worship Sunday 20220130_Sound-Doctrine-1644604839.mp3
01/30/22 Why we ought to attend all services Anthony Prosceno Sr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20220130_Why_we_ought_to_attend_every_service.mp3
01/23/22 The Church Collection Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon New Testament Church Worship Sunday WORSHIP_3.mp3
01/16/22 The Lord's Supper Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon New Testament Church Worship Sunday 20220116_Elements_of_Worship_02_TRIM_Trim.mp3
01/02/22 Our Attitudes toward Congregation Worship Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon New Testament Church Worship Sunday 20220102_Worship_Lesson_01_FINAL0075-60547.mp3
01/02/22 The Four Soils Anthony Prosceno Sr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20220102_Anthony_The_Four_Soils.mp3
12/26/21 Spiritual Resolutions Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20211226_Spiritual_Resolutions.mp3
12/26/21 Restoration Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon The Lords Church Sunday 20211226_Lords_Church_07.mp3

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